How to use monthly eNPS surveys to improve employee loyalty

How to use monthly eNPS surveys to improve employee loyalty

Running ongoing and regular eNPS surveys provides you valuable insights. Exemplified, in a mid-sized organization with 150 employees spread across multiple departments. They want to improve their employee feedback processes, one way is to implement eNPS surveys using Zennbase.

Goal & business priority

  • Regular check-ins to quickly identify and spot tendencies

  • Measure and compare eNPS on department level


Start running monthly eNPS surveys with Zennbase to collect feedback from their employees. A suggestion is to use Zennbase's analytics tools to identify trends and gain insights into their employees' needs and expectations.

  • Schedule and automate monthly send outs to all employees minimizing administrative work

  • Provide team managers and leaders with reports on department level


  1. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

  2. What is the primary reason for your score?

Short survey to maximize participation, but still provide you valuable and measurable insights. Question 1 is linear scale question, making it easy to spot development over time, while the open ended question comes with sentiment analysis.


With the insights gained from Zennbase, you are able to take targeted actions to improve employee loyalty. For instance implement new employee recognition programs, provide additional training opportunities, and improve communication channels. You can easily follow your development over time, identifying if your eNPS score increases or not.

How to use monthly eNPS surveys to improve employee loyalty

How to use monthly eNPS surveys to improve employee loyalty

Running ongoing and regular eNPS surveys provides you valuable insights. Exemplified, in a mid-sized organization with 150 employees spread across multiple departments. They want to improve their employee feedback processes, one way is to implement eNPS surveys using Zennbase.

Goal & business priority

  • Regular check-ins to quickly identify and spot tendencies

  • Measure and compare eNPS on department level


Start running monthly eNPS surveys with Zennbase to collect feedback from their employees. A suggestion is to use Zennbase's analytics tools to identify trends and gain insights into their employees' needs and expectations.

  • Schedule and automate monthly send outs to all employees minimizing administrative work

  • Provide team managers and leaders with reports on department level


  1. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

  2. What is the primary reason for your score?

Short survey to maximize participation, but still provide you valuable and measurable insights. Question 1 is linear scale question, making it easy to spot development over time, while the open ended question comes with sentiment analysis.


With the insights gained from Zennbase, you are able to take targeted actions to improve employee loyalty. For instance implement new employee recognition programs, provide additional training opportunities, and improve communication channels. You can easily follow your development over time, identifying if your eNPS score increases or not.

How to use monthly eNPS surveys to improve employee loyalty

How to use monthly eNPS surveys to improve employee loyalty

Running ongoing and regular eNPS surveys provides you valuable insights. Exemplified, in a mid-sized organization with 150 employees spread across multiple departments. They want to improve their employee feedback processes, one way is to implement eNPS surveys using Zennbase.

Goal & business priority

  • Regular check-ins to quickly identify and spot tendencies

  • Measure and compare eNPS on department level


Start running monthly eNPS surveys with Zennbase to collect feedback from their employees. A suggestion is to use Zennbase's analytics tools to identify trends and gain insights into their employees' needs and expectations.

  • Schedule and automate monthly send outs to all employees minimizing administrative work

  • Provide team managers and leaders with reports on department level


  1. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

  2. What is the primary reason for your score?

Short survey to maximize participation, but still provide you valuable and measurable insights. Question 1 is linear scale question, making it easy to spot development over time, while the open ended question comes with sentiment analysis.


With the insights gained from Zennbase, you are able to take targeted actions to improve employee loyalty. For instance implement new employee recognition programs, provide additional training opportunities, and improve communication channels. You can easily follow your development over time, identifying if your eNPS score increases or not.

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Start listening to your employees

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